ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D & ISO 27001
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L28 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC
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REGISTRATIONS CLOSED Hazard and Evidence Awareness for Air Accident Responders

National Transport Research Organisation 80a Turner Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

MEMKO is collaborating with the Cranfield University Safety and Accident Investigation Centre to deliver Cranfield’s 2-day Hazard and Evidence Awareness for Air Accident Responders Course in Melbourne for the first time, with 2 course dates offered: March 31 to April 1 and April 2-3.  The course covers both site safety work practices and evidence protection […]

Aviation Safety Investigation

National Transport Research Organisation 80a Turner Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

MEMKO is collaborating with the Cranfield University Safety and Accident Investigation Centre to deliver Cranfield’s 5-day introductory Aviation Safety Investigation Course in Melbourne for the first time.  Calling on Cranfield’s almost 50 years of experience in training safety investigators around the world, you will be taught the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required in conducting safety investigations, […]

REGISTRATIONS CLOSED Hazard and Evidence Awareness for Air Accident Responders

National Transport Research Organisation 80a Turner Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

MEMKO is collaborating with the Cranfield University Safety and Accident Investigation Centre to deliver Cranfield’s 2-day Hazard and Evidence Awareness for Air Accident Responders Course in Melbourne for the first time, with 2 course dates offered: March 31 to April 1 and April 2-3.  The course covers both site safety work practices and evidence protection […]

Aircraft Electrical Load Analysis

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 2-day course provides essential ELA knowledge and skills to ensure participants understand the mathematics, regulations and process behind ELA management. This unique course is intended for aircraft technical support staff and individuals involved with aircraft modifications, repairs and airworthiness compliance. The course aims to explain ELA terminology, aircraft electrical basics, and ELA associated regulations. […]

Aircraft Weight and Balance

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 2-day course provides participants with an understanding of the regulatory system within Australia and its application to aircraft weight and balance and continuing airworthiness. The course is intended for Engineers requiring competency training and individu- als involved with the “Aircraft Weight Control Authority” CAO 100.28. The course includes discussions on case studies and practical […]

Introduction to Fatigue & Damage Tolerance Analysis

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 4 day course is designed to develop participants understanding of the concepts related to aircraft structural fatigue and damage tolerance (F&DT) analysis. The course is intended for Engineers who are seeking to develop their skills and understanding of the concepts as well as practitioners and managers who require familiarity with contemporary rules, standards and […]

Introduction to Aircraft Composite Structures

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 4-day course provides participants with an understanding of the use of composite materials in aircraft structures applications. The course is intended for Engineers who are seeking to develop their technical knowledge and skills as well as practitioners and managers who are engaged in design, repair and maintenance of aircraft structures. It includes practical examples […]

Design and Airworthiness Approval Regulations

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 4-day course provides participants with an understanding of the regulatory system within Australia and its application to aircraft design, manufacture, modification, safety, repair and continuing airworthiness. This course is intended for Professional Engineers to provide competency training in approval of technical data and finding compliance to the CASR part 21 rules and regulations. It […]

Aircraft Electrical Load Analysis

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 2-day course provides essential ELA knowledge and skills to ensure participants understand the mathematics, regulations and process behind ELA management. This unique course is intended for aircraft technical support staff and individuals involved with aircraft modifications, repairs and airworthiness compliance. The course aims to explain ELA terminology, aircraft electrical basics, and ELA associated regulations. […]

Introduction to Aircraft Composite Structures

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 4-day course provides participants with an understanding of the use of composite materials in aircraft structures applications. The course is intended for Engineers who are seeking to develop their technical knowledge and skills as well as practitioners and managers who are engaged in design, repair and maintenance of aircraft structures. It includes practical examples […]

Aircraft Weight and Balance

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 2-day course provides participants with an understanding of the regulatory system within Australia and its application to aircraft weight and balance and continuing airworthiness. The course is intended for Engineers requiring competency training and individuals involved with the “Aircraft Weight Control Authority” CAO 100.28. The course includes discussions on case studies and practical examples. […]

Introduction to Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Analysis

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 4 day course is designed to develop participants understanding of the concepts related to aircraft structural fatigue and damage tolerance (F&DT) analysis. The course is intended for Engineers who are seeking to develop their skills and understanding of the concepts as well as practitioners and managers who require familiarity with contemporary rules, standards and […]