ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D & ISO 27001
Dassault Systèmes
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L28 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC
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Andrew Eldamouni

Aerospace Engineer

Andrew Eldamouni is an Aerospace engineer who has recently joined MEMKO. He recently graduated in Aerospace & Aeronautics from RMIT. His areas of study included the design of aircraft, analysis of fluid behaviour in wing aerodynamics, wind tunnel testing to validate optimization of drag reduction sub-systems known as Winglets and Fatigue & Damage tolerance Analysis of Aerostructures to support extending the life of the airframe or part.

He has been helping with the Air Nauru project and contributing to the overall document review and creation, including:

  • Assortment of supplementary type certificates for modifications made to the freighter conversion
  • An Approved Maintenance Program that coincides with modifications applied
  • Inspection of the Aircraft for damaged or in need of repair/replacement parts
  • Communication between the airline operator and manufacturer