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Magic Alf Analyst

CATIA Magic Products
MEMKO > Software > CATIA > CATIA Magic > Magic Alf Analyst

Alf (the Action Language for Foundation UML) is a textual language for coding detailed, executable behavior within an overall UML model. Alf is a standard of the Object Management Group (OMG), which is also the organization that maintains the UML specification. Alf is one of a suite of OMG specifications related to defining precise execution semantics for UML, building on the original Foundational UML (fUML) specification.

Combine Alf language with CATIA Magic

The CATIA Magic Alf Analyst allows you to use the Alf language within Magic Model Analyst.

Syntax-aware editor for Alf code

It provides both a syntax-aware editor for entering and updating Alf code, and a compiler for translating Alf code into fUML activity models.

Create executable behavioural specifications

Behavioral specifications written using Alf code are fully executable in the context of class, activity and state machine models.

Alf language support at Full Corformance level

The Alf Plugin supports the Alf language at the “Full Conformance” level, i.e. it provides a complete action language for representing behavior within a UML model created in the usual way in MagicDraw.

Includes Following Legacy No Magic Products

Alf Plugin

The Alf Plugin for MagicDraw allows you to use the Alf language within MagicDraw. The Alf Plugin provides both a syntax-aware editor for entering and updating Alf code, and a compiler for translating Alf code into fUML activity models.