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Magic Real-Time Communication Designer

CATIA Magic Product
MEMKO > Software > CATIA > CATIA Magic > Magic Real-Time Communication Designer

Dassault Systèmes has addressed the digital continuity and integration between the two worlds of MBSE to interface design with the new Magic Real-Time Communication Designer. This software plugin provides a direct integration to RTI Connext, the leading commercial software based on the DDS standard, enabling engineers to create model-based systems based on real-time communication flow across embedded and distributed systems. Engineers can go directly from the system model in SysML to RTI Connext for implementation and deployment of a distributed system.

This integration has been specially validated with RTI Connect, along Dassault Systèmes’ partnership with Real-Time Innovations Inc. (RTI)

Increase productivity

Increased productivity by modeling the DDS-related aspects of a system using SysML extended by a DDS-specific profile and generating the necessary DDS setup code in any of the supported Programming Languages

Create a Single Source of Truth

A graphical, unified representation of the overall system from requirements to functional applications, providing engineers with a common view of the system and a single source of (data) truth

Integration with RTI Connext

Enabling graphical design and configuration of all DDS aspects, including Domains, Types, Topics and QoS and marketing with key capabilities in customer insight and analytics