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VERICUT for Machinery and Tooling

Simulate and machine precise machinery and tooling components
MEMKO > Software > VERICUT > VERICUT for Machinery and Tooling

Machine standard production and unique one-off tools and components with confidence. Using VERICUT to simulate your machines and validate your NC program greatly reduces your manual prove-out system, freeing up additional machine time and giving NC programmers the confidence that their programs will run correctly the first time.


VERICUT helps you reduce cycle times while achieving a more stable cutting process, resulting in better tool life and a constant load on the spindle.

VERICUT for Machining and tooling NC Program simulation

User Story


Besides using VERICUT in their own manufacturing of custom cutting tools, Ingersoll Cutting Tools also uses VERICUT to improve NC programs from shops of all sizes. VERICUT ensures there are no crashes and shops have the best cycle times possible.  With VERICUT, Ingersoll is able to reduce most cycle times by at least 15%, with some enjoying a 50% or greater improvement. 

“I’ve found many times that people will program a part, prove out the process, and no one will touch it for years and years,” Mike Gampetro said. “It’s so easy to go back in and re-program something and show them where they can improve. I don’t even push the tools as hard as I could, and use conservative feeds and speeds so that the customer can make additional improvements once they get the job back on their own machine. Even so, most of our customers are very happy when they leave here. VERICUT is a big part of that.”

Machinery and Tool Simulation

We have extensive capabilities here and machine a wide range of complex geometries, everything from indexable turning and milling tools to special purpose cutters for automotive transfer lines. Every single job is run through VERICUT before being released to the shop floor, to verify there won’t be a crash and that we have the best cycle time possible.

Mike Gampetro
CNC Programmer at Ingersoll

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