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CATIA V5 Certification

Associate and Expert CATIA V5 Certification
MEMKO > Training & Certification > CATIA V5 Certification

Top employers in the industry are looking for skilled students and individuals certified in 3DEXPERIENCE solutions to unleash the power of 3DS tools. CATIA Certification validates that you have the skills and knowledge to utilise the full potential of CATIA tools.

We hold certification (Associate and Expert) exams in:

  • CATIA V5 Part Design
  • CATIA V5 Assembly Design
  • CATIA V5 Surface Design

As a Certified CATIA Associate, you demonstrate that you have achieved a robust level of fundamental knowledge and hands-on experience of CATIA modelling techniques in using CATIA.

3DEXPERIENCE Certification Australia

Why Become Certified?

Increased Job Opportunities And Satisfaction

Better Paid Jobs And Rise In Salary


Recognition Within The Company And Among Peers

Figures based on a survey conducted in 2015 with 7,000 3DEXPERIENCE Certified Engineers. Read about the full story below

Specialist Exams

As a Certified CATIA Specialist, you have demonstrated that you have broadened your knowledge and skills by achieving competence in two of the the Associate areas.

Becoming a Specialist is not examinable. It is achieved by passing two or more Associate exams. 

Expert Exams

As a Certified CATIA Expert, you prove your knowledge and skills with CATIA advanced modelling techniques after solid training and between six and twelve months of advanced hands-on practice and work experience* in either Part, Assembly or Surface Design.

*These are indications that may vary from one person to another

Specialist & Expert Exam Information

General Information regarding Specialist and Expert exams, including pre-requisite knowledge and skills required.

Associate Level

As a Certified CATIA Associate, you prove your knowledge and skills with CATIA fundamental modelling techniques after initial training and between one to six months of regular practice * in either Part, Assembly or Surface Design.

*These are indications that may vary from one person to another. 

Associate CATIA V5 Certification Path

Specialist level

After successfully mastering the material intended for passing the exams at the Associate level with adequate practical experience in the adequate fields, you need to pass at least two of the three basic levels to gain the title Specialist:

CATIA V5 Mechanical Design Specialist

This title is obtained after passing two Associate exams:
– CATIA V5 Part Design Exam
– CATIA V5 Assembly Design Exam 

CATIA V5 Surface Design Specialist

This title is obtained after passing two Associate exams:
– CATIA V5 Part Design Exam
– CATIA V5 Surface Design Exam

Expert level

After successfully mastering the material intended for passing the exams at the Associate level with adequate practical experience in the adequate fields, you need to pass at least two of the three basic levels to gain the title Specialist:

To access the CATIA Expert exam, you need to master advanced CATIA modelling techniques after basic training and at least six to twelve months of practice or work experience.  The period of learning varies. By certification of your expert knowledge of CATIA software, you can obtain one of the following titles:

Certified CATIA V5 Part Design Expert

This title is obtained after passing:
– CATIA V5 Part Design Expert Exam

Certified CATIA V5 Assembly Design Expert

This title is obtained after passing:
– CATIA V5 Assembly Design Expert Exam

Certified CATIA V5 Surface Design Expert

This title is obtained after passing:
– CATIA V5 Surface Design Expert Exam

For more information on certification and requirements, download a flyer below

Expert CATIA V5 Certification Path

Available Exams



This is a formal Dassault Systemes Certification Test written and delivered online, which tests users’ knowledge and skill with CATIA Assembly Design. The test comprises a combination of multiple choice questions with a formal modelling exercise in which participants interrogate and answer specific questions based on the model they have produced. The exam is computer based and answers are submitted online live during the test. At the conclusion of the exam, you will immediately be given a score and confirmation on whether you have passed.

The pass mark is 70%.

It is recommended that participants have several months experience following any training course.


Get prepared

Recommended Preparation course: CATIA V5 Fundamentals or CATIA V5 Mechanical Design Fundamentals

Exam description: Includes several problem sets focusing on modelling and modification of basic, intermediate and advanced parts. It also includes multiple choice questions on basic drafting principles.

Topics covered:
– Sketch features
– Tools and relations
– Basic and dress-up features such as pads, pockets, shafts, fillets, chamfers, patterns
– Analysis and modification of the geometry
– Sketch offset
– Materials
– Measures
– Mass properties
– Drafting questions on views
– Dimensions
– Title blocks



What is the format?
A combination of multiple choice questions, and live modelling with CATIA V5.

What do I need to provide?
Please bring valid ID with signature for certificate validation if exam result is successful.

What can/can’t I bring to the exam?
Mobile telephones are not allowed in the exam. We provide a computer and software for the modelling element of the exam.

What is the refund policy?
Refunds or exam date alteration can only be made up to 7 days before the event.

What time should you arrive?
You should arrive no later than 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled. This allows for proper briefing and setup of the exam.

What if I do not want to sit an upcoming scheduled exam?
If you are not planning on sitting an upcoming scheduled exam, when choosing a date or time, please select “Undetermined at this point”. Certification Vouchers can be used at a later date when ready.

Call our office on 03 8605 7777 for more information.


This is a formal Dassault Systemes Certification Test and delivered online, which tests users’ knowledge and skill with CATIA Surface Design. The test comprises a combination of multiple choice questions together with a formal modelling exercise which users then interrogate and answer specific questions on the model they have produced. It is computer based and answers are submitted online live during the test. At the end you will immediately be given a score and confirmation on whether you have passed.

The pass mark is 70%.

It is recommended that participants have several months experience following any training course.

Get prepared

Recommended Preparation course: CATIA V5 Fundamentals or CATIA V5 Mechanical Design Fundamentals.

Exam description: Includes several problems sets focusing on building and modifying two assemblies. It includes multiple choice questions on basic Drafting principles.

Topics covered:
– Creation and modification of assemblies
– Placing of the base part
– Inserting components
– Constraints
– Reference geometry
– Modification of key parameters in assembly
– Analysis
– Measures
– Interferences
– Replacement
– Drafting: views, bill of materials, exploded views.


What is the format?
A combination of multiple choice questions, and live modelling with CATIA V5.

What do I need to provide?
Please bring valid ID with signature for certificate validation if exam result is successful.

What can/can’t I bring to the exam?
Mobile telephones are not allowed in the exam. We provide a computer and software for the modelling element of the exam.

What is the refund policy?
Refunds or exam date alteration can only be made up to 7 days before the event.

What time should you arrive?
You should arrive no later than 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled in order that briefing and setup can be setup properly.

What if I do not want to sit an upcoming scheduled exam?
If you are not planning on sitting an upcoming scheduled exam, when choosing a date or time, please select “Undetermined at this point”. Certification Vouchers can be used at a later date when ready.

Call our office on 03 8605 7777 for more information


This is a formal Dassault Systemes Certification Test written and delivered online, tests users’ knowledge and skill with CATIA Part Design. The test comprises a combination of multiple choice questions together with a formal modelling exercise which users then interrogate and answer specific questions on the model they have produced.

The pass mark is 70%.

Get prepared

Recommended Preparation course: CATIA Surface Design

Exam description: Includes several problem sets focusing on creation, modification and analysis of wire frame and surfaces.

Topics Covered:
– Wireframe: points, planes, repetitions, line, axis, ellipse, circle, connect curve, spline, axis system
– Creation
– Modification and analysis of surfaces: helix, boundary, extrude, project curve, circular pattern, revolve, sweep, fill, multi-section surface, join, split, trim, fillets, symmetry, geometrical sets, etc.


What is the format?
A combination of multiple choice questions, and live modelling with CATIA V5.

What do I need to provide?
Please bring valid ID with signature for certificate validation if exam result is successful.

What can/can’t I bring to the exam?
Mobile telephones are not allowed in the exam. We provide a computer and software for the modelling element of the exam.

What is the refund policy?
Refunds or exam date alteration can only be made up to 7 days before the event.

What time should you arrive?
You should arrive no later than 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled in order that briefing and setup can be setup properly.

What if I do not want to sit an upcoming scheduled exam?
If you are not planning on sitting an upcoming scheduled exam, when choosing a date or time, please select “Undetermined at this point”. Certification Vouchers can be used at a later date when ready.

Call our office on 03 8605 7777 for more information.



This is a formal Dassault Systemes Certification Test written and delivered online, which tests users’ knowledge and skill with CATIA Assembly Design Expert. The exam includes several problem sets focusing on assembly advanced features such as assembly analysis, optimisation, and flexible sub-assemblies. The exam is computer based and answers are submitted online live during the test. At the conclusion of the exam, you will immediately be given a score and confirmation on whether you have passed.

The pass mark is 70%.

Get prepared

Recommended Preparation course:

CATIA V5 Mechanical Design Expert or CATIA Product Design Expert

Topics covered:
– Constraints and replacing components
– Detecting clashes
– Sectioning assembly
– Creating BOM
– Publication
– Creating sub-assemblies
– Flexible sub-assemblies


What is the format?
A combination of multiple choice questions, and live modelling with CATIA V5.

What do I need to provide?
Please bring valid ID with signature for certificate validation if exam result is successful.

What can/can’t I bring to the exam?
Mobile telephones are not allowed in the exam. We provide a computer and software for the modelling element of the exam.

What is the refund policy?
Refunds or exam date alteration can only be made up to 7 days before the event.

What time should you arrive?
You should arrive no later than 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled. This allows for proper briefing and setup of the exam.

What if I do not want to sit an upcoming scheduled exam?
If you are not planning on sitting an upcoming scheduled exam, when choosing a date or time, please select “Undetermined at this point”. Certification Vouchers can be used at a later date when ready.

Call our office on 03 8605 7777 for more information.


This is a formal Dassault Systemes Certification Test written and delivered online, which tests users’ knowledge and skill with CATIA Surface Design Expert. The exam includes several problem sets focusing on wireframe analysis, advanced surface creation, advanced blending operations and surface analysis. The exam is computer based and answers are submitted online live during the test. At the conclusion of the exam, you will immediately be given a score and confirmation on whether you have passed.

The pass mark is 70%.

Get prepared

Recommended preparation course:

CATIA Surface Design Expert

Topics covered:
– Analysing the connection between curves
– Connecting and smoothing curves
– Creating adaptive swept surfaces and replacing inputs
– Creating different types of blends for surfaces
– Analysing connection between surfaces
– Analysing curvature and moldability

This exam comprises a combination of multiple choice questions together with a formal modelling exercise which users then interrogate and answer specific questions on the model they have produced.


What is the format?
A combination of multiple choice questions, and live modelling with CATIA V5.

What do I need to provide?
Please bring valid ID with signature for certificate validation if exam result is successful.

What can/can’t I bring to the exam?
Mobile telephones are not allowed in the exam. We provide a computer and software for the modelling element of the exam.

What is the refund policy?
Refunds or exam date alteration can only be made up to 7 days before the event.

What time should you arrive?
You should arrive no later than 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled. This allows for proper briefing and setup of the exam.

What if I do not want to sit an upcoming scheduled exam?
If you are not planning on sitting an upcoming scheduled exam, when choosing a date or time, please select “Undetermined at this point”. Certification Vouchers can be used at a later date when ready.

Call our office on 03 8605 7777 for more information.


This is a formal Dassault Systemes Certification Test written and delivered online, which tests users knowledge and skill with CATIA Part Design Expert. The exam includes several problem sets focusing on multi-body methodology, part analysis, and advanced design features. The exam is computer based and answers are submitted online live during the test. At the conclusion of the exams, you will immediately be given a score and confirmation on whether you have passed. The pass mark is 70%.

Get prepared

Recommended Preparation course:

CATIA V5 Mechanical Design Expert or CATIA Part Design Expert

Topics Covered:
– Creating solid using multiple bodies
– Combining solids using Boolean operations
– Creating intersecting elements
– Analysing curvature
– Creating multi-sections solids and stiffeners
– Instantiating a power copy

The test comprises a combination of multiple choice questions together with a formal modelling exercise which users then interrogate and answer specific questions on the model they have produced.


What is the format?
A combination of multiple choice questions, and live modelling with CATIA V5.

What do I need to provide?
Please bring valid ID signature for certificate validation if exam result is successful.

What can/can’t I bring to the exam?
Mobile telephones are not allowed in the exam. We provide a computer and software for the modelling element of the exam.

What is the refund policy?
Refunds or exam date alteration can only be made up to 7 days before the event.

What time should you arrive?
You should arrive no later than 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled. This allows for proper briefing and setup of the exam.

What if I do not want to sit an upcoming scheduled exam?
If you are not planning on sitting an upcoming scheduled exam, when choosing a date or time, please select “Undetermined at this point”. Certification Vouchers can be used at a later date when ready.

Call our office on 03 8605 7777 for more information.

Certification Center Prices

Interested in a single exam or bundle? See information regarding prices for Dassault Systemes CATIA V5 Certification below

Single Exam Voucher

Suitable for sitting a single exam
  • Valid for booking Dassault Systèmes Associate or Expert exams

Individual Bundle

This bundle is suited for Individual use
  • 2x Certification Course Vouchers
  • Online Companion
  • CATIA V5 Licence
*Price including GST

Company Bundle

This bundle is suited for Businesses.
  • 1x Certification Course Vouchers 
  • Online Companion
  • CATIA V5 Licence
*Price not including GST**Companies are assumed to have DIC - CATIA V5 Licensing (No Discount)

CATIA V5 and 3DEXPERIENCE Training Course FAQs

How can I prepare for my exam?

Getting certified requires serious preparation. In order to get ready for an exam, we recommend to go through the following steps:

1. Get trained on the course(s) as specified in the recommended learning path (see picture) and in the exam descriptions. The courses are available online via Companion Learning Space (CLS) or via the Academia website. They can be used during and after a class, as a complement or as a refresher.

2. To complement your training and reinforce your skills, review the topics that were covered in the course(s) and in particular those where you could improve, and practice as much as possible, especially on the topics included in the exam (refer to exam description).

3. The more you practice, the better. In order to get ready, sample exams are available online. They are meant to give you a better understanding of the exam and question formats. They also give you the opportunity to get familiar with the steps to start an exam. These sample exams are free and accessible anytime via the same platform as the real exams.

Can I access CATIA before my exam?

Yes, students can be eligible for Dassault Systèmes Online Companion. This online portal provides a licensed version of CATIA that can be used in preparation alongside training courses and vouchers to be used for the certification exams.

Online Companion for CATIA  provides a pool of courses for students users. Using the online companions has 3 objectives:

  • Explain the CATIA V5 interface and philosophy. The user will learn about objects’ organization and how to begin a new project with the appropriate basic features.
  • Cover mechanical items such as 3D Modeling, Drawing, Assembly including Design in Context, associativity, implementation of Knowledgeware, link management
  • Leverage user’s skills in the mechanical workbenches, logical flow in design and navigation in the workbenches thanks to a process-centric project.

What are the benefits of using the Online Companion to prepare for my exam?

We recommend eligible students utilise the Online Companion to prepare. Product highlights include:

  • Best use from source
  • Contents updated with each new release
  • Companion is an integrated solution available at any time
  • Course flow is process-structured
  • Leverages users’ skills from fundamentals to expert level
  • Prepares to 2 Certification levels: Specialist and Expert
  • Advanced courses includes complex capabilities for experienced CATIA users
  • Rich database of exercises to provide users with a wide variety of industrial parts and cases, including methodology
  • Material for instructors to best use Companion in a classroom environment

Interested in Training?

Please fill out the form below to register your interest to sit the exam for this certification. We will get in contact with shortly thereafter regarding payment details