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Webel Parsing Analysis (WPA) for SysML

Webel Parsing Analysis for SysML

Webel Parsing Analysis for SysML

Document intensive systems engineering (DISE) practices excessively rely on non-integrated domain documentation. The transition from DISE to single source of truth model-based-systems engineering (MBSE) is necessary as designs become increasingly complicated.

See the power of Webel parsing analysis (WPA) as a method of eliciting SysML models, including requirements, from a domain source document. WPA is a powerful technique that has been refined over two decades by Dr Darren, which assists in the transition from DISE to MBSE. It can be used as a first step on SysML/MBSE and can be used in parallel with freestyle modelling.

In our first instalment, the theory behind the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML is introduced in a white paper. Future instalments will show it applied to real world problems on the CATIA Magic platform.

View White Paper


Credit to Webel IT Australia providers of SysML MBSE training for the CATIA Magic tools