ISO 9001:2015, AS9100D & ISO 27001
Dassault Systèmes
official partner
MEMKO Head Office
L28 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC
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Aircraft Weight and Balance

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 2-day course provides participants with an understanding of the regulatory system within Australia and its application to aircraft weight and balance and continuing airworthiness. The course is intended for Engineers requiring competency training and individu- als involved with the “Aircraft Weight Control Authority” CAO 100.28. The course includes discussions on case studies and practical […]

Introduction to Fatigue & Damage Tolerance Analysis

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 4 day course is designed to develop participants understanding of the concepts related to aircraft structural fatigue and damage tolerance (F&DT) analysis. The course is intended for Engineers who are seeking to develop their skills and understanding of the concepts as well as practitioners and managers who require familiarity with contemporary rules, standards and […]

Aircraft Weight and Balance

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 2-day course provides participants with an understanding of the regulatory system within Australia and its application to aircraft weight and balance and continuing airworthiness. The course is intended for Engineers requiring competency training and individuals involved with the “Aircraft Weight Control Authority” CAO 100.28. The course includes discussions on case studies and practical examples. […]

Introduction to Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Analysis

MEMKO Head Office Level 28, 303 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

This 4 day course is designed to develop participants understanding of the concepts related to aircraft structural fatigue and damage tolerance (F&DT) analysis. The course is intended for Engineers who are seeking to develop their skills and understanding of the concepts as well as practitioners and managers who require familiarity with contemporary rules, standards and […]