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The CATIA No Magic solutions are the most robust and standards-compliant solutions in the market. Combined with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, and other systems engineering tools, the No Magic solutions provide a best-in-class Model-based System Engineering and Systems of Systems Engineering Solution.


MEMKO Systems has been appointed by Dassault Systèmes as the CATIA No Magic strategic partner and reseller for Australia and New Zealand. In 2018, Dassault Systèmes completed the acquisition of No Magic (the leader in model-based systems engineering, and modelling solutions for software architecture and business processes) to strengthen its foothold in Systems Engineering

CATIA Magic Community

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Visual UML, SysML, BPMN, and UPDM modelling software

About CATIA Magic

The acquisition of No Magic reinforces Dassault Systèmes’ Industry Solutions. When combined with the 3DEXPERIENCE digital platform the No Magic solutions provide a best-in-class Model-based System Engineering and System of Systems Engineering Solution and Offering, called CATIA Magic.


Accelerate your digital transformation with CATIA No Magic and 3DEXPERIENCE – the most robust and standards-compliant solutions in the market.


What is MBSE, SysML and DDS?

Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) and SysML tools are becoming more sophisticated in order to support the increased complexity of embedded and distributed applications. These new systems are larger, contain autonomous components, operate from the edge to the cloud, and often have strict requirements in terms of performance, scalability, robustness and security.

Two standards – SysML and Data Distribution Service (DDS) – address the necessary end-to-end design requirements for model-based design. SysML defines the requirements of the system itself. DDS addresses the communications requirements between system components running across different computers, including connectivity, security and quality of service (QoS).

Imagine, Engineer and Experience Cyber-Physical Systems

Systems Engineering with 3DEXPERIENCE

The soul of tomorrow’s smart product innovations originates from an intelligent core of embedded systems and electronic. But while advancing smarter products, innovators must also manage complexity, optimise performance, and ensure produce safety. Systems engineers rely on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform for systems engineering from Dassault Systèmes to increase their competitiveness.

Enablers for Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems involve entirely new capabilities for people and machines. In cyber-physical systems, physical and software components are deeply intertwined, able to operate on different spatial and temporal scales, exhibit multiple and distinct behavioral modalities, and interact with each other in ways that change with context.

It is necessary to make a paradigm shift into digital transformation to support current and future trends.  The following business enablers need to align with current and future trends:

1.   Digital Thread: This describes the framework which connects data flows and produces a holistic view of an asset’s data across its product lifecycle from development, manufacturing, in-service operation, retirement. Typically, the digital thread connects digital twins, digital models of physical assets, or groups of assets.

2.   Digital Twin: This is the virtual representation of properties and behavior and is a virtual replica of systems or processes used to anticipate and optimize performance along with maintaining digital synchronization with systems or processes.

3.   Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): This is a systems engineering approach that focuses on creating and exploiting domain models as the primary means of information exchange between engineers, rather than on document-based information exchange.

MBSE is the first building block of the digital value chain.

Cyber-Physical Systems Experience

The Cyber-Physical Systems Experience enables all the Dassault Systèmes’ industry solution experiences, which are based on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. It generalizing systems engineering for developing the “Internet of Experiences” – the smart and autonomous experiences which address System of Systems Engineering, System Engineering and Discipline Engineering to digitally connect products, nature and life in the physical world.

The key values are:

  • Modelling & Simulation (Mod-Sim): The ability to not only design and model but to simultaneously simulate the model for validation, all in a methodological framework.
  • Federation: The ability to:
    • Federate system engineering data, irrespective of the authoring tool, with end-to-end traceability for compliance assessment and impact analysis in the case of an engineering change.
    • Federate discipline engineering within a system architecture to master interfaces and predict system behavior in order to accurately specify  the solution under design.
    • Federate the system engineering experiences from local to global, irrespective of the authoring tool, in order to experience a digital replica of the cyber-physical system.
  • Governance: In a regulatory context, the capability to maintain in configuration, an authoritative single source of truth for compliance assessment with full control of the system engineering activities of the project.
  • Openness: Leadership in standards definition to support state-of-the-art modelling and simulation, and the support of interoperability tools  for semantic integrity and exchanges within the value chain.

Dassault Systèmes Cyber-Physical Systems Porfolio

The Dassault Systèmes landscape for Systems Engineering landscape includes the following layers:

  • System of Systems / Enterprise layer: Understanding the missions, scenarios, usage as a specification for the systems & organisations.
  • System layer: Defining the functional behaviour, scenarios as a specification for the solution design system.
  • Solution layer: Designing the solution from global to detail, as a product with components (hardware, software, parts) considering the functions as both control and plant behaviours.
  • Implementation layer: Developing the discipline-specific components as specified in the solution layer.

The 3DS Portfolio for Cyber-Physical systems, also enables program/project development (variants, change, configuration, scheduling, tasks, workflows) and Systems Engineering activities which are important ingredients for mastering product quality and performance and for controlling program/project cost and delays.

  • 3DEXPERIENCE Roles for Systems Engineering
  • CATIA Magic Roles
  • Stimulus Requirements Simulation Engineer Role
  • Reqtify
  • Control Build
  • Autosar Builder
  • Dymola

Systems Engineering - at the Heart of Cyber-Physical Systems Experiences

Systems Engineering is a transdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design, integrate, and manage complex systems across their lifecycles.

Systems Engineering is a systematic approach that provides a global view and helps to:

  • Manage complexity, master interfaces and reduce risks.
  • Better understand stakeholder needs to conceptualize real world changing issues.
  • Deliver quality and robust products that meet the stakeholder needs with optimized efficiency.
  • Accelerate collaboration within the value chain and avoid unnecessary rework loops.
  • Manage and control project costs and time scales by integrating system engineering activities with project management.

What is Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)?

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), as a cross-discipline collaborative activity, is a strong business enabler to address industry issues and to align organizations with current and future trends.

Model-Based Systems Engineering is the formalized application of modelling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later lifecycle phases.

MBSE is simply a set of visual representations based on a consistent and complete system model, which reflect multiple viewpoints of the system. These representations can be either static or dynamic (simulation), descriptive or predictive. It improves understanding, early in the development phase, system behaviour as a functional digital twin of the product.

System development challenges and issues

In the system development process many challenges and issues emerge which need to be addressed:

  • Lack of control on the engineering of the project: No single source of truth of Engineering Project data to make relevant decisions.
  • Inefficient requirements engineering: An uncontrolled number of ambiguous and redundant requirements.
  • Reactive approach rather than proactive: Lack of understanding of system behavior before prototyping.
  • Inconsistencies between disciplines: Disciplines operate in silos, resulting in lack of control over dynamic behavior of interfaces.
  • Discontinuities throughout the supply chain: Exchange with supply chain is document based and therefore  cumbersome.
  • Costly compliancy process: With no single source of truth of engineering data, compliancy reports are developed at the end of the development phase with high risk of incompleteness and errors.

Discover CATIA Magic; the leading MBSE solution

Quality/ Industry Standards

CATIA Magic, offers the most standards-compliant integrated business modelling, architecture and Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) capability in the industry. CATIA Magic is a standards and model-driven software solutions based on Object Management Group (OMG) standards such as Unified Modelling Language (UML), Systems Modelling Language (SysML), Unified Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM), Service oriented architecture Modelling Language (SoaML) and Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN). These solutions enable enterprises to effectively manage their organisations and visually communicate their business processes to internal and external stakeholders.

Quality Standards CATIA Magic


MEMKO Systems is a Dassault Systemes’ certified training partner and can deliver training on a range of solutions including CATIA No Magic and the latest 3DEXPERIENCE solutions.

As a Value Solutions Partner and certified training partner, MEMKO Systems has access to official DS course material. MEMKO Systems is also able to design training courses to support specific operational requirements. Please contact us for all of your 3DEXPERIENCE, CATIA No Magic or bespoke training needs.

Dassault Systèmes MEMKO courses

CATIA Magic Resources

Discover archived case studies and news articles from previous community newsletters here

MEMKO Webinar: Simplify Complexity – Model Based Systems Engineering

Industry Leaders such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, DOD, BAE, IBM, Pfizer and GE are leading...
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JAMA Integration with CATIA Magic

The feature will be added to CATIA Magic and No Magic portfolios in late 2024, bridging...
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MBSE Adoption Methodology

MBSE Adoption Methodology

The MBSE Adoption Methodology has been developed on the back of many implementations and is...
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MBSE aerospace and defence

MBSE Adoption Benefits for Aerospace & Defence

Discover how MBSE delivers significant returns on investment within the development of complex products in...
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